Stéphanie Robert

Stéphanie Robert2024-02-12T16:57:17+01:00


Affiliate Professor in Plant Physiology

Unravelling the mechanisms regulating cell shape coordination during plant morphogenesis. Likes photography.

The aim of our research is to elucidate the molecular mechanisms underlying the regulation of plant morphogenesis by understanding the process of cell shape acquisition and its associated signaling pathways. Our studies are particularly focused on auxin transport and signaling, endomembrane trafficking, and cell wall function in cell shape acquisition. While the majority of our work is established on the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana, we also conduct research on spruce, poplar, and tomato.

Before becoming a group leader at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences within the Umeå Plant Science Centre in 2010 and an IceLab affiliate member in 2024, Stéphanie worked as a postdoc with Prof. Natasha Raikhel (University of California, Riverside, USA, 2005-2007) and later with Prof. Jiri Friml (Plant Systems Biology, Ghent, Belgium, 2007-2010). She focused on studying plant development and integrated the approach of chemical biology to decipher the process of endomembrane trafficking governing cell polarity. Stéphanie completed her PhD studies at Paris XI, France, where she explored cell wall biosynthesis and plant development.

Current Projects

  • FATE: Decoding cell fate with positional information (Knut & Alice Wallenberg foundation, project grant)

    Main applicant: Stéphanie Robert (SLU), other co applicants: Stéphane Verger (UmU), Peter Marhavy (SLU), Eleni Stavrinidou (LiU) and Maria Tenje, (UU)

  • Molecular mechanisms regulating shape acquisition in plants (Swedish research council VR, Kempe, Tryggers)

    Stéphanie Robert (SLU)

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