Erin Stafford

Erin Stafford2024-01-18T09:21:45+01:00


Postdoctoral Fellow.

Gaining insight into the transmission and mitigation of infectious diseases through mathematics. Enjoys trying new things and gaining new perspectives.

Erin is a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine and IceLab at Umeå University. She will work on developing a mathematical framework for studying the spillover of zoonotic diseases under the supervision of Henrik Sjödin, Joacim Rocklöv, and Åke Brännström.

Erin completed her PhD in Applied Mathematics at the University of Washington under the supervision of Mark Kot. There, her research focused on the optimization of mitigation strategies for infectious diseases with economic or equity perspectives. In particular, her projects included the use of optimal-control models to determine if contact-reducing disease-mitigation strategies could be economically advantageous in controlling the spread of Staphylococcus aureus in dairy cow. She also worked in collaboration with Laura Matrajt and Dobromir Dimitrov at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center to determine which COVID-19 vaccination strategies would be best when trying to minimize either overall disease burden, inequity in disease outcomes between racial and ethnic groups, or a combination of measures.

Current Projects

  • Modelling of zoonotic spillover

    with Henrik Sjödin, Joacim Rocklöv, and Åke Brännström

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