Suvam Roy

Suvam Roy2024-06-05T22:54:23+02:00


Excellence by Choice Postdoctoral Fellow.

Modelling microbial gene regulation and evolution. Passionate about cinema as an art form.

One of the key questions in Microbiology is how bacteria adapt to stressful environments. Bacterial populations exposed to stress can accumulate mutations, resulting in possible adaptation towards a phenotype that can counter the stress. However, such mutations are mainly loss-of-function mutations that can lower their fitness. Therefore, how bacterial populations maintain their basic gene regulation under stressful conditions is a crucial question. In collaboration with Eric Libby and Peter Lind, Suvam aims to find answer to this question by developing mathematical models and carrying out computer simulations, that are informed by experimental data.
Suvam Roy is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Department of Molecular Biology. He completed his Master’s degree in Physics from the University of Calcutta. Suvam then got a PhD in Mathematical Evolutionary Biology with Supratim Sengupta at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Kolkata, where he showed a plausible pathway for the emergence of primitive cells on the prebiotic Earth.

Current Projects

  • Microbial gene regulation under stressful environments (UCMR Excellence by Choice postdoctoral program)

    with Peter Lind and Eric Libby

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