András Bota

András Bota2018-09-27T14:37:46+02:00


Postdoctoral Fellow.

Modelling infection and diffusion processes in networks.

Plays the violin in his spare time.

András is a computer scientist working in IceLab. He completed his undergraduate and postgraduate studies in Hungary. He started working with networks during his PhD studies, focusing first on community detection, then on modelling the spreading of information, economic events and diseases on networks. After finishing his doctoral studies, he spent two years at the University of New South Wales in Sydney as a researcher modelling epidemic spreading on public transportation networks. Recently he moved to Umeå to work with Martin Rosvall.

His main research interests are community detection and infection processes. In the former, he studies overlapping communities and the evolution of community structure. In the latter, he focuses on predicting the likelihood of spreading events, the risk of transferring infections and the identification of the most dangerous infection sources.

Current Projects

  • Mapping the spread of influenza.

    Martin Rosvall (IceLab), Martin Holmberg (IceLab), Magnus Neuman (IceLab).

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